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dc.contributor.advisorJacobus, Artur Eugênio
dc.contributor.authorPontes, Valdiléa Queiroz de Sá Barreto
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation was developed in the scope of the Professional Master in Educational Management and its objective was to verify if the process of evaluation of teaching performance of Colégio Antônio Vieira, private school of the Jesuit Network of Education, in Salvador, Bahia, is coherent with the strategic guidelines and guiding documents of the institution. For the methodological achievement of the work, a case study was chosen, with qualitative approach, using, as one of the techniques of data collection, the documentary research. The documentary findings of the PEC - Common Educational Project of the Jesuit Schools (2016), in the PPP – Political Pedagogical Project of the Colégio Antônio Vieira (2015), the Itinerary of Educador Vieirense (2015), the Strategic Planning of the Colégio Antônio Vieira (2016), of SQCGE – Jesuit Network Schools Quality System, the Matrix of Teaching Performance Competencies and the teacher performance evaluation forms (2016) revealed important data to identify the guidelines for the teaching performance evaluation (TPE) in the school. It was also used semi-structured interviews to know the perceptions of teachers and pedagogical coordinators about TPE. Thus, based on the results obtained, it is possible to infer that, although the process of teacher performance evaluation maintains a certain level of coherence with the strategic guidelines and with the guiding documents of the institution, there are contradictions in the evaluation process because its summative function overlaps with the formative function. Moreover, the model of TPE currently employed in the school is characterized by the use of quantitative instruments, late feedbacks, absence of indicators of the quality of pedagogical practice and lack of a more direct connection with the process of teacher training. Therefore, some recommendations are presented that aim at the qualification of teaching practice through the development of a formative evaluation, differently from what is perceived today. The proposal of intervention highlights the teaching practices, taking into consideration the quality of the teaching evaluation, in a formative and reflective perspective, which considers the promotion of human and professional development based on autonomy, freedom, ethics of care with the person and his emancipation.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectGestão educacionalpt_BR
dc.subjectEducational managementen
dc.titleA avaliação de desempenho docente do Colégio Antônio Vieira e a sua relação com os direcionadores estratégicos e os documentos norteadores da Instituiçãopt_BR

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