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dc.contributor.advisorGhisleni, Ana Cristina
dc.contributor.authorKohl, Merlinde Piening
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to the management of pedagogical processes in a Private Basic Education Institution. The question that guided the study was: “How can the management of pedagogical processes with diagnoses and through institutional and institutionalized flows and referrals contribute to the pedagogical action in order to obtain better academic results?” The general objective of this study was to analyze the management of the school's pedagogical processes, concerning the elaboration, execution and the way the management is perceived in and by the institution itself, through a qualitative and quantitative approach, having as strategy the study of case. Data collection took place through documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews, in which we sought to understand the perception about documents and pedagogical processes in the institution, how the management of pedagogical processes happens and how documents are organized, especially in what refers to pedagogical processes. To achieve the objectives, concepts related to the notion of management (management and administration, educational management, school management, pedagogical management), the notion of processes (concept of process, pedagogical processes), the notion of quality (total quality, qualit within the educational process) and the characteristics of the school as an educational organization were studied. The theoretical framework was based on the authors Brighouse and Woods, Cury, Dourado, Ellströn, Lück, Mezomo, Nóvoa, Sander, Varvakis, among others. The results of the study confirm that the researched institution is an organization with a good organizational climate, which performs a pedagogical work of quality, with good results, however, from the analysis of the documents and the interviews carried out, it is possible to say that there is a need for a revision of the documents in order to update and complement them, especially with regard to the pedagogical processes that, when existent, are very dispersed in different documents, also needing a uniformity in terms of design and writing. In other moments, they are nonexistent, in this case they need to be drawn and written. As an intervention, the study proposed a plan with a multiplicity of actions, including the relaunch of the ¨Teachers Manual¨, for a review and realignment of the central documents that organize the school processes, with resumption of existing processes, rewriting of processes, design of existing but not described processes, from the mobilization, involvement and participation of the entire work team, within an idea of continuing education, observing the different attributions at the school.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectEducação básicapt_BR
dc.subjectBasic educationen
dc.titleA forma do conteúdo: a gestão dos processos pedagógicos em uma instituição privada de educação básicapt_BR

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