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dc.contributor.advisorGuimarães, Ana Maria de Mattos
dc.contributor.authorSousa, Soraya de Melo Barbosa
dc.description.abstractThis research brings, based on disciplines developed with a specific purpose during the course of Letters, the evaluation proposal by students in initial training, about their literary literacy process, as well as a reflection on their future teaching practice in mediation of readers of the literary text. It starts from the proposition that in the perspective of literacies the school must be open to meet a new man, situated socio-historically in and through language, and therefore, the need for a renewal of reading practices and social practices is considered, built on the interaction of students with each other and with each other with the world, respecting their diversity of languages. It is also considered that literary language unifies different codes, languages, voices and languages (LAJOLO, 2018) and that the teaching of literature proposes a debate on social and cultural diversity, when confronting corpora of texts constituted by universal, social and cultural, providing a testimony of the evolution of philosophical positions in relation to the issue of the subject (BRONCKART, 2017a). Thus, the problem that guides this study involves the following questions: How is your own literary literacy process understood by students in initial training? Has your conception of literary literacy reframed during the literacy events, provided by subjects in the Literature course? How do you assess your role as a reader trainer in basic education? What resources did the teacher of the Language course use to validate his didactic proposal? Therefore, it aims analyze the path of literary literacy of students in the Literature course, in initial formation, discussing ways of contributing to this development, since the first years of formation. It is also intended to provide reflections on their future mediation in the training of basic education readers, based on the experience of literary reading practices promoted in training. It is believed that, in the perspective of literary literacy, which transposes the physical and temporal school space, the teacher must present means that give the student-reader autonomy to continue to develop their competence as a critical reader, throughout their social interactions. The present study is characterized as action research (TRIPP, 2005) of a qualitative nature and is based on the assumptions of the social theory of literacies (STREET, 2008, 2013, 2014; BARTON; HAMILTON, 1998; KLEIMAN, 2005, 2014; KLEIMAN; ASSIS, 2016 ), in the contributions on literary literacy by Cosson (2014) and Zapponi (2008), and in the guidelines of BNCC (BRASIL, 2017) and BNC-Training (BRASIL, 2019) on literary reading practices in basic education and the organization of curricular content to be worked in undergraduate courses, respectively. For the analysis of the data, we considered the situation of the language action of the texts produced by the student of the course - the reading memorial, the logbook and the diagnostic evaluation –, based on the text analysis model proposed by the Sociodiscursive Interactionism. In the textual infrastructure, the types of discourse that constitute the text produced by the students, and the enunciative mechanisms that incorporate the study of voices and modalizations were analyzed (BRONCKART, 1999, 2004; 2006; 2017). The judgments and evaluations emanating from these present voices were also analyzed, as well as the marks of atoriality, in addition to their active responsive positions, in view of the text read, based on the concept of active responsive response by Bakhtin/Volochínov ([1929], 1981, 2003, 2016). From the analysis, it was found that the students were able to reflect on their literary literacy process and on their performance as a future trainers of literary readers. This study argues that one cannot be a reader mediator, if one is not a reader. Likewise, it is not taught only from theories and knowledge learned. It is in the reading activities provided by the disciplines of language and literature, through workshops and reading laboratories, for example, that future teachers can experience their process of reading comprehension and responsive writing; and prepare for an engagement posture that will be required in a teaching situation, either in intervention projects, during practices or curricular training internships, or in your professional teaching.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.titleFormação inicial de professores de língua portuguesa: a preocupação em formar formadores de leitores de textos literáriospt_BR

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