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dc.contributor.advisorVieira, Luciane Klein
dc.contributor.authorCosta, Vitória Volcato da
dc.description.abstractThe political, economic, social and humanitarian crisis established in Venezuela, in the past years, has caused an intense migration flow, imposing a lot of challenges to the South-American region, which is receiving most of these immigrants. The MERCOSUR, as an important regional actor, has norms and specialized organisms based on the free movement of people and human rights protection of migrants, establishing policies that, moreover, aims to constitute a regional citizenship concept. Venezuela, in turn, is a Member State of MERCOSUR, even though it is now politically suspended for rupture of the democratic order. In this scenario, the research problem that guides this Master’s Thesis, presents the following discussion: how the legal instruments and institutional framework of MERCOSUR, related to the migration theme and the free movement of people, can be used to build a coordinated response of Member States to the migration flow from Venezuela, in a way that respects the human rights assumed by the bloc and promotes the deepening of the integration system, especially regarding the encouragement of the regional citizenship construction? The work hypothesis presented is that Member States are not adopting an uniform answer regarding the Venezuelan’s reception in their territories, neither using the set of instruments of MERCOSUR to the migration theme, which can help with the solution of protection and integration problems that these immigrants have been facing, through the MERCOSUR normative application and the policies articulation by institutional spaces of the bloc. In order to respond the presented research problem, and contrast the mentioned hypothesis, it was applied the deductive approach method, and the procedure methods were the historical, comparative, empirical and normative-descriptive. In addition, the research techniques were: the bibliographical review, the documental analysis and the realization of interviews with national institutions from Member States of MERCOSUR, that work with the migration and the refuge theme. The obtained results demonstrate that MERCOSUR’s Member States are not adopting an uniform migration policy, or at least harmonic, concerning the reception of Venezuelan immigrants in their territories, as well they do not apply the bloc’s normative about the topic, neither use the mechanisms of MERCOSUR’s institutional framework. On the other hand, it was identified the existence of many norms about free movement of people, migration and refugees, that aims to foster the regional citizenship and have a human right’s perspective, which can be applied or used as a paradigm for measures that protect Venezuelans immigrants. Besides, a set of mechanisms was identified, that can be used to the formulation of regional policies or harmonization of national answers, through the organisms, forums and work groups of MERCOSUR - which have competence to do technical studies, create MERCOSUR’s norms, harmonize national legislation, standardize the application and the interpretation of MERCOSUR’s normative, propose/create/monitor and implement public policies, as well promote dialogue and experience exchanges between the Member States.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectMigração venezuelanapt_BR
dc.subjectVenezuelan migrationen
dc.subjectMigración venezolanaes
dc.titleA recepção dos imigrantes venezuelanos nos Estados Partes do MERCOSUL: uma análise à luz dos direitos humanos e do direito da integração do bloco sul-americanopt_BR

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