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dc.contributor.advisorJacobus, Artur Eugenio
dc.contributor.authorMoraes, Roselaine Monteiro
dc.description.abstractThe world of work increasingly imposes the need for skills development (knowledge, skills and attitudes), and why not link those skills to entrepreneurship education still at school age? Entrepreneurial skills that generate leadership, that mobilize people to act in solving problems and that foster new ways of thinking and acting are also goals of formal education. The objective of this work was to conduct a study to know the results obtained with the activities of the course Young Entrepreneurs First Steps, methodology of the Sebrae, which approaches the teaching of entrepreneurship for Elementary School. The empirical field was the Municipal School of Primary Education in Pejuçara, in Rio Grande do Sul, focus on the students of the final years (6th to 9th year) in the period 2014 to 2018. The methodology used was the single case study with the use semi-structured interview and documentary analysis. For the analysis of the data, the content analysis was used. The study allowed to understand that the JEPP course contributed to the students' attitude change, in addition to showing great involvement of the young people in the activities. For the teachers, it generated reflections about their teaching, causing, in some of them, changes in the way of conducting their classes. The strengthening of collaborative practices among teachers and greater linkages with students were also observed. For the school, new processes were introduced and there was greater involvement of the school community, especially parents. In addition, the creation of the discipline Entrepreneur Awakening Program represented the introduction of JEPP as a curricular component in the school. The research as a whole, while revealing answers to the questions, brought discoveries about the possibilities of convergence between the entrepreneurial competences and the educational competences of the National Curricular Base (BNCC). Finally, as a contribution to the Sebrae RS and the Municipal School of Pejuçara, the lessons learned from the researcher's perspective are presented.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectEducação empreendedorapt_BR
dc.subjectEntrepreneurial educationen
dc.titleEducação empreendedora no ensino fundamental : uma investigação sobre o Programa de Educação Empreendedora Sebrae – Jovens Empreendedores Primeiros Passos – JEPP em Pejuçara, RSpt_BR

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