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dc.contributor.advisorJunior Ladeira, Wagner
dc.contributor.authorMadruga, Andjara de Matos
dc.description.abstractThis study discusses the appropriateness of the communication strategy in launching real estate and if there is an interference on the part of this sales. Since the market for durable goods, such as real estate, by definition, has a long term up to the purchase decision and a low rate of repurchase. The theme is relevant since the construction activity is inseparable part of a country's development, and that in the last decade, the construction companies have faced increasingly competitive markets, necessitating living with the reality of an open economy and the challenges of competition in a global dimension. The proposal of the research is to study a case study where the goal is to analyze whether the marketing communication strategy adopted at the launch of the project Rossi Fiateci assisted in the sales process. The presentation of the case is divided into three main parts: the introductory sentence that brings a presentation of the construction company and the venture in question; the second makes a specific approach on the communication adopted by the company to present the project to the target audience and the third moth an analysis on the influence of the communication strategy adopted in unit sales. As a result, it was discovered that the market study is different from other durable goods markets, mainly because of the buildings being intangible assets at the time of the announcement, which initiates sales. And, for this reason, is that communication is depicted as a fundamental part of the process of sale, this will make the consumer believe and buy the product that is being proposed by the company. With the civil construction market on the rise, businesses are living a fierce competitiveness, where the marketing communication becomes an essential factor for the offered product reaches the target audience and the creativity in the strategies being a differentiator for those who want to stand out in this business, one can say that is the new "weapon" to sell real estate.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectConstrução Civilpt_BR
dc.titleEstratégia de comunicação de marketing no mercado imobiliário: Um estudo de caso sobre o empreendimento Rossi Fiatecipt_BR

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