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dc.contributor.advisorFollmann, José Ivo
dc.contributor.authorRodrigues, Simone Cristina Reis Conceição
dc.description.abstractThe dissertation will highlight the potential of the School of Early Childhood Education as an environment of socialization and recognition of ethnic-racial differences. It will consist of the resumption of effective application of Law 10.639 / 03 CNE 03 through activities that make children reflect on black culture and demystify prejudices created in their environment. The research was realized in two municipal schools located in São Leopoldo, being denominated as School A and School B. Two groups of age group 5, composed of 27 and 21 children, participated in the study. The qualitative methodology was used in the process of elaboration of the research, performing the data collection from observations of the focus group, interviews with 6 teachers from school A and 4 from school B and 2 and reports from the teachers who received the researcher in their classes with the main objective of analyzing the social and racial representations of the black child in basic education. The following questions were taken into account: How does the educational environment influence the formation of the ethnic-racial identity of the Afrodescendant child? What are the implications of the lack of visibility in the school environment in the learning and self-esteem of the black child in early childhood education? In front of the educational formation acquired how is this subject manifested in the social and racial reality debated in recent times? The following results were obtained in this research: better socialization of the children; reduction of conflicts generated by situations of prejudice and exclusion of the black children; improvement in the self-esteem of Afro-descendant children; joy and representativeness of black children through the awareness of the existence of princesses, princes, superheroes and warriors in the children's imagination; awareness of the teachers who continued with the insertion of stories that favor the representativeness and visibility of the black culture in the school environment, as well as enabling an antiracist education based on equity and respect for the differences.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectEducação infantilpt_BR
dc.subjectChild educationen
dc.titleIdentidade e representação sociais e raciais do afrodescendente na educação básica infantilpt_BR

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