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dc.contributor.advisorVerschoore, Jorge Renato de Souza
dc.contributor.authorFrancio, Nilso
dc.description.abstractThis research aimed to indrstand the effects of the relational economy on the development of the cotton culture in Mato Grosso state. The theoretical approach of the regional economic development and the relational economy were the main source of research. For Scott and Storper (2003), the process of regional economic development involves the political mobilization focused on institutions to enhance the social capital of the cooperation relationships. For Bathelt and Glückler (2003; 2011), the relational economy allows the institutional learning, the interorganizational communication and the social relations which are part of the economic activities. Gueddes (2008) connected local and regional partnerships for economic development, encouraging cooperation and interorganizational relationships among entities, organizations and enterprises. The research methodology was the descriptive exploration with a qualitative approach, through which we examine the context and reflect upon its perceptions, for the understanding of the social and human activities. The research technique chosen was the semi-structured interview, with questions which boosted the description of the development of cotton culture in Mato Grosso. For the data analysis, the Critical Incident Technique (CIT) was used. It related data and facts about the development of such culture from 1991 to 2016. The technique encouraged the interviewed companies to talk about events during the period studied. As a result, a synthesis of the historic evolution of cotton production in Mato Grosso was developed — with five phases of this evolution and their critical incidents. During the data analysis, two entities and six cooperative of Mato Grosso cotton industry were interviewed. The main results of the empiric research were the contribution of the relational economy approach to the cooperation, interorganizational and social capital relations existing in Mato grosso cotton industry. Also, the relationship among the cotton culture institutions encouraged, during two decades, the partnerships existing up to 2016. This also happens due to the social capital present in the relationships, which strengthens the trust the producer has in relation to the entities and organizations of the state. The results contributed to the theoretical approach of the relational economy and for the empiric field of the cotton culture of Mato Grosso.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectDesenvolvimento regionalpt_BR
dc.subjectRegional develomenten
dc.titleDesenvolvimento da cultura do algodão – Mato Grosso: uma abordagem relacionalpt_BR

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