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dc.contributor.advisorSouza, Yeda Swirski de
dc.contributor.authorKarolczak, Maria Eloisa
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to offer an understanding of the phenomenon of availability/dearth of skilled human resources in the areas of Sciences, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and the like, the STEM professionals, in the perspective of the Human Capital Theory (HCT). The HCT provides this study with the following theoretical arguments: a) the higher the qualification and the skills of the STEM professionals, the higher the possibility of mobility; b) the asset of human capital depends on organizational policies, no matter the invested capital; c) the skilled human capital is seen as an investment in education provided by the company, by the employee or by both; d) individuals can be autonomous in terms of their qualifications, which enhances the professional life. Based on these premises, this study discusses four proposals: P1 – The public policies influence the formation, qualification and creation of environments, or not, favorable to the development of knowledge and abilities of STEM professionals; P2 – The policies of the private sector, develop assimilate and retain the STEM professionals; P3 – Knowledge and ability impact the decision of the STEM professional to undertake mobility and is associated to the search for life quality; P4 – Different ways of return on investment interfere in the asset of human capital in the organizations. The methodology developed in this study is characterized as a field research, with documents analysis and partially structured interviews with managers and directors of knowledge-intensive organizations, (KIOs), located in Brazilian science parks and higher education institutions. It was verified that there is a shortage of STEM professionals and an asymmetry between the professional profile that the market needs and what is delivered by the academy. It was found that public and private policies are not effective in retaining professionals, and although there are resources and policies that contribute, there are also those that hamper operations, especially labor policies. The study concludes that, although there are public policies and institutions able to train STEM professionals in Brazil, the knowledge-intensive organizations working in the country have limitations in terms of retention of these professionals.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectCapital humanopt_BR
dc.subjectHuman capitalen
dc.titleRecursos humanos capacitados nas áreas de ciências, tecnologia, engenharia, matemática e afins: uma análise na ótica da teoria do capital humano no contexto brasileiropt_BR

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