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dc.contributor.advisorForster, Mari Margarete dos Santos
dc.contributor.authorAndrade, João Guilherme Lopes de
dc.description.abstractThe present research aims to know the self-evaluation procedure performed by the UniCEUB (University Center of Brasília) to better qualify the processes and thus encourage their development. It involved three courses of the Institution and its coordinators and had as central focus, besides dynamics, to suggest some indicators and actions for a qualification of its evaluation process. The authors who supported the study were: José Dias Sobrinho, Boaventura de Sousa Santos, José de Carvalho Mourão, Paulo Freire, The methodology used with a qualitative approach, without disregarding quantitative data, since they work with the universe of meanings, Understandings Of the data collected; It was also used, to listen to the subjects during the process, of semistructured interviews. It centered as analytical dimensions in two directions: the first involving the pedagogical projects of the UniCE and the three Courses investigated, to identify their conceptions and a second, a self-assessment in its specificity. I used to complement the data of institutional documents pertinent to the subject studied and I heard the representative of the Pedagogical Sector. These two directions suggest conceptual, attitudinal, and operational concepts that need to be perfected; They were located as educational and evaluative conceptions; In the second, the values defended and practiced and the operational indicators, such as actions and procedures adopted. The results obtained in our work showed some possibilities of advances on the institutional evaluation process, were not suggested by the coordinators and the studies carried out, but by my perception as a manager. At the same time, the follow-up of an institution, such as the UniCEUB, which since 1968 has maintained the same entrepreneurial ideal, constantly developing its pedagogical project, qualifying learning processes, constant concern for the qualification of employees, It helped me to see one who, because we live an Institution, we do not always perceive. Note that there are some traces that are marks of your organizational culture and I have also seen that there is an affective bond between the collegial and alunate institution that needs to be continually cultivated.en
dc.description.sponsorshipUNICEUB - Centro Universitário de Brasíliapt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectAvaliação Institucionalpt_BR
dc.subjectInstitutional evaluationen
dc.titleAutoAvaliaação Institucional: Consolidando e Avançando Processospt_BR

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