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dc.contributor.advisorLeis, Rodrigo Pinto
dc.contributor.authorSchuster, Tatiana dos Santos
dc.description.abstractThe theme of Risk Management and Hospital Safety has proven increasingly important, even for institutions the work in health area, and also for its various stakeholders (patients, relatives, medical teams, assistance and administrative, and suppliers) because it is related to minimize risks in health care and to improve safety levels of operations, which actually increase the level of satisfaction of these actors and reduce the costs associated with a low risk management culture and hospital security environment. In this context, this work was developed in a philanthropic hospital in the RS, which objective is to measure hospital safety culture to the patient from the perception of the employees of the institution. The research methodology used was a case study with descriptive characteristics, exploratory desing and predominantly quantitative data, and its population sample was composed of employees who work in healthcare areas of patient care (nurses, nursing technicians and nursing assistants in different shifts and units). In the data collection was used a survey with a the questionnaire of the Agency for Health Research and Quality (AHRQ), entitled Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture. For data analysis we used the median of notes to compare the performance between the items and variables of the survey. The survey results show that the institution has the folow itens considered excellent: promotion of security actions that come to the supervisors and managers, the work in team in every unit of the institution and continuing education courses about the issue of patient safety. In the ohter hand, the most critical points were related to work between different work teams in the institution, internal transfers and the shift change in units and work teams. As a suggestion for future work it is proposed the applying of the same questionnaire after the implementation of some action improvements that are recommended to enhance the performance of the most critical aspects.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectSegurança do pacientept_BR
dc.subjectPatient safetyen
dc.titleA cultura de segurança do paciente na percepção dos profissionais de enfermagem de um hospital filantrópico do interior do Rio Grande do Sulpt_BR

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