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dc.contributor.advisorThum, Adriane Brill
dc.contributor.authorSilvério, Paula Caroline
dc.description.abstractAgriculture is the first sector of the economy, responsible for generating wealth and meet the current demand of approximately 868 million people are hungry today and would still have to meet the demand of around 430 million undernourished people in 2030. In return the available agricultural area in the world today is not great and there is also little room for expansion. For the year 2030 it is estimated that it would be possible to expand the agricultural area in the world in only 8 %, which certainly does not overcome the need to meet the starving population. Besides the lack of space for growing agriculture faces dilemmas about the lack of rainfall, infestation of pests and weeds, increased production costs, price changes, and other environmental constraints. The Precision Agriculture and the use of GIS technologies can optimize the use of agricultural soils, reduce production costs and ensure the success of new businesses. Through the use of free images, databases, free databases and GIS software it is possible to demonstrate the importance of these technologies from georeferenced information to get the right decisions and more effective, responsive and efficient actions. The results demonstrate that the Partridges Farm is inserted in the Amazon biome and has most of its vegetation characterized as forest. Of the total area, which is 27,511 acres, 1,035 acres are in Brazilian Savannah. It has 2,218 hectares of preservation, or 8.06% of the total. It has 66% legal reserve, hence the need to compensate farm 3,360 acres to suit the current forest code. These results demonstrate the need to preserve most of its area. Information of paramount importance for purposes of calculating required for implementation of agriculture on the local investments and feasibility of the project as a whole, at least under the aspect of productive soil. It was also found that access to farm is facilitated by the existence of two state highways for transporting the harvest and arrival of inputs.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.titleA importância do sistema de informações georreferenciadas para avaliação de riscos econômicos e ambientais em propriedades rurais. Estudo de caso Fazenda Perdizes – Porto dos Gaúchos/MTpt_BR

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