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dc.contributor.advisorFerrarini, Adriane Vieira
dc.contributor.authorDihl, Estelamaris de Barros
dc.description.abstractThe present dissertation has as its theme the “Productive Inclusion” as a social protection policy developed by the Municipal Secretary of Social Development (SMDS) of Canoas, State of Rio Grande do Sul, as recommended in the National Social Assistance Policy (PNAS) and the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS) . The overall objective of the research was to analyze the process of social recognition of women referenced in CRAS Northeast Guajuviras neighborhood, beneficiaries of the Bolsa Família Program (PBF) within the productive inclusion, taking into account the spheres of law and social esteem. The research methodology used a qualitative approach descriptive, through the case study method, from the perspective of Robert K. Yin (2005) and the content analysis, according to Laurence Bardin (2009). The research instruments used were field diaries, participant observation and semi-structured interview. As theoretical framework was used the theory of Axel Honneth Recognition (2003), which brings pertinent questions about the current reality in order to understand social contexts of inequality and moral injustice in democratic societies. The nodal point of the research was the challenge of revealing the feeling of social recognition of beneficiaries, through PBF, empirical object of this research, identifying the material and subjective effects attributed to productive inclusion and how they are constructed, taking into account the spheres of law and social esteem. The main perceptions identified in the beneficiary with respect to the right sphere were access to protection policies, documentation, education, access to income and job training. With regard to the sphere of self-esteem, i.e., the subjective questions, it should be the concern of the centrality of life in the private world, demonstrating the lack of public awareness of the role already played by them in the public world. The survey revealed that, within the limits in respect to PNAS, the PBF and productive inclusion initiatives in Canoas, we need to think a unified and specific agenda with other sectorial policies, discussing methodologies, techniques and theories for the implementation of the program become more efficient and effective, ensuring that social protection proceed effectively in ensuring better living conditions, enabling access to the labor market subject to the beneficiaries.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectPolítica de assistência socialpt_BR
dc.subjectSocial protection policyen
dc.titleO Programa Bolsa Família como dispositivo para a inclusão produtiva: possibilidades e limitept_BR

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