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dc.contributor.advisorZanini, Francisco Antônio Mesquita
dc.contributor.authorSchilling, Carla Helena
dc.description.abstractThe discussion on the validity or not of the active management of resources is ancient in the academic universe. This research deals with the theme by introducing a variable not previously appreciated in Brazil, transaction costs. To study the validity or not of active management is a way of studying the issue of market efficiency. In other words, it would be impossible, for the investor, to obtain benefits through active management in a truly efficient market. The current study, by means of an explanatory research, works with a portfolio with actively formed management under the directions of analysts polled by the newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo in the period of July 2000 to June 2010. As part of the sample, and also instruments of control, the ibovespa and ibrx and the top 20 shares of bovespa (portfolio with naïve diversification). Several statistics about the results were calculated in order to demonstrate the performance of four portfolios. In addition to this, statistical tests were performed to evaluate the statistical significance of differences (f test - anova). From the results, it is observed that even after the introduction of transaction costs, the portfolio with active management had higher returns: 442.121% 375.622% of the portfolio against the ibrx, 334.121% of portfolio with naive diversification and 197.991% of the bovespa index. However, from a statistical point of vies, the tests were not statistically significant, invalidating the possibility of asserting the superiority of active management. Even though the results were not significant from a statistical viewpoint, one can say that no investor would be insensitive to the difference, since the active management also allowed to observe the following aspects: obtaining total portfolio with less volatility (standard deviation) lower systematic risk (beta), smaller amplitude, higher the sharpe’s index, higher treynor’s index as well as jensen’s alpha. All of this allows us to question the hypothesis of efficiency of the capital market.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectAdministração ativapt_BR
dc.subjectActive managementen
dc.titleAs recomendações de analistas e os possíveis benefícios ao investidor no mercado brasileiro de açõespt_BR

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