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dc.contributor.advisorChaves, Simone Edi
dc.contributor.authorRosa, Fábio Silva da
dc.description.abstractWhen education is thinking in isolation from praxis it may cause some distancing between knowledge and techniques, provoking what we can call low quality and problem-solving health care services, or that not correspond to the costumers pressing needs. OBJECTIVE: Proposing an educational program for the development of in-service teaching processes for nursing staff in an adult Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of a private hospital in Porto Alegre/RS. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Qualitative study with an exploratory-descriptive research design, using the focus group technique performed from June to July, 2014. Ten participants were selected (5 nurses and 5 nursing technicians) from ICU active nursing staff who have been working there for at least one year. Data were collected by the head investigator through focus groups discussions, which occurred in two steps with three meetings that lasted one hour each. The aim of the first step was surveying data relating to current reality, that is, difficulties and potentials of nursing staff, adherence and participation in educational practices currently developed in the service. For each research’s step was used theme-base contend analysis technique analysed with QSR NVivo software, version 7, following the stages: 1º Pre-analysis; 2º Exploring the material; 3º Treatment of the results and interpretation. The project was approved by the institutions’ Ethics Committee. RESULTS: 191 units of registration have been identified, leading to three categories and eight subcategories, which were constructed from the most frequently themes and contextually connected, according to steps of research. Categories of Step I – Analysis of educational practices: a) Difficulties in adherence and participation in educational practices: initial training; nurses’ commitment; application of educational practices; instructor’s qualification; b) Potential adherence and participation in educational practices: educational practices’ logistic; educational practices’ issues; Category of Step II – Contruction and application of an educational proposal: a) Proposals for educational practices improvements: capacity-building for multipliers; active teaching-learning methodology with realistic simulation and certification. CONCLUSION: Thinking in educational processes in the context of an ICU is something challenging by its own work dynamics and this complexity pushes us to seek alternatives for training of professionals. Given this, three alternatives were listed to be implemented in the intensive care unity. These are: (1) Certification program for ICU nursing team; (2) Program for nursing development and updating; (3) Development program for nurses.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectTerapia intensivapt_BR
dc.titlePráticas educativas em um centro de terapia intensiva adultopt_BR

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