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dc.contributor.advisorChaves, Simone Edi
dc.contributor.authorAzambuja, Patrícia Passos de
dc.description.abstractIn health, there has been progress in the public and institutional policies from the United Nations Second World Assembly on Ageing, held in 2002 in Madrid. In the last decade, Brazilian society has been moving in search of recognition of their right to citizenship. However in the case of old age, we need to go further, guaranteeing all seniors the defense and protection of their rights. Actions implemented for the elderly care need to be more organized, less fragmented and more commitment from all actors involved. The time of discharge is, for many seniors and their families, one of apprehension and questioning situation. Within this context, this study aimed to propose an action plan in the hospital with a view to active aging. The research used a qualitative approach with social health research design. For data collection semi-structured interviews were conducted. Participants invited to participate in the study were elderly patients in the inpatient unit where the study was developed, and their families or caregivers, as well as professional nurses who pursue their activities on this site. After a critical analysis of the results, it showed that: the knowledge of those involved regarding existing policies directed to the elderly; a guiding structure for the hospital with medical centered profile; the importance of the commitment of the family caregiver or not; and the need to strengthen and for qualification of the professional nurse participation in hospital discharge planning by the multidisciplinary team. The result of the study pointed to the need to create an action plan on hospital discharge planning with a view to active aging, in order to qualify for assistance provided in the service inpatient unit under study, focusing on the specific needs for care the elderly. We suggest testing the action plan template created to assist in discharge planning, in order to provide and contribute a tool for health professionals, family members, caregivers and also for the elderly. Such intervention was based on principles that value the health, participation and security of the elderly, recommended in the Active Ageing Health Policy.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.titleEnvelhecimento ativo: ações educativas do serviço de saúde sobre a saúde do idosopt_BR

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