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dc.contributor.advisorMassuquetti, Angélica
dc.contributor.authorBertotti, Gustavo
dc.description.abstractThis study has the objective to measure the impact of the determinants for the supply of sugar and alcohol in Brazil, with the intention to capture the duration of the osclillations of prices and production influences to the Brazilian market. The analyzed period is inserted in the post-deregulation phase of the alcohol –sugar sector, in which the prices started to be determined according to the rules of free market, and the government itself started to play a secondary role in the regulation of the sector. At this point the econometric model proposed for the following study consists of a vector auto-regressive model with an error correction mechanism based on quarterly temporal series within the period of 1995 to 2009. For a better comprehension of the analysis, initially it is introduced in the first chapters a review of historical and theoretical concepts that deal with the main conditioning factors of sugar and alcohol offer in Brazil. Afterwards, it was analyzed through Granger causality tests and the impulse response function (IRF) the precedence among the variables comprehended in the models, as well as the impulse that a variable applies over the others. At last based on the tests presented it has got to the conclusion that the model B with four lags, showed the most coherent and conclusive results concerning the theoretical support and the dynamics of the sector. Among the main results it is evident the positive relationship of sugar and ethanol concerning the determination of its offers, at the sense that the increase one product generates, at the same point, the expansion of the other. In addition the behaviors of the variables of prices, in part presented results in agreement to the expected signals. The sugar exports and exchange rate impact positively in the income received by the producer and infer positively for the expansion of the Brazilian sugar offer.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectOferta brasileira de açúcar e álcoolpt_BR
dc.subjectBrazilian offer of sugar and alcoholen
dc.titleO impacto dos determinantes da oferta de açúcar e álcool no Brasil no periodo 1995 a 2009pt_BR

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