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dc.contributor.advisorViegas, Karin
dc.contributor.authorRenosto, Raquel de Araújo Carneiro
dc.description.abstractNursing has an important role in Clinical Analyses Laboratories, especially in the pre- analytical phase. Nurses and their staff are responsible for implementing the technical procedures and they should take care of the laboratory exams before and after they are collected. In the curriculum of nursing graduation course, nurses must have a general, humane, critical and reflective requirement. They should become a qualified professional, for the practice of nursing based on scientific, intellectual and they should be guided by ethical principles. To ensure this nurse profile, the educational institutions structure their teaching on generic programs, hindering market entry by newcomers in specific fields of nursing. This fact demonstrates the difficulties found in the hiring of nurses in the area of clinical analyzes. For this reason, the aim of this study is to evaluate an "e-learning" nursing course in clinical analysis for nurses. This course is to fill the gap mentioned before and to provide the professionals, expertise in this field. The methodology is characterized by a technological production. It creates a product and/or service that dedicate itself to the training and expertise of professional nurses in clinical analysis. The course was built and run using the Moodle Learning Management System (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment). The course has a workload of 60 hours, divided into 10 modules, and the modules are sequential and complementary. Twelve judges with expertise in education, clinical analysis and information technology evaluated the course. It was based on three pillars: pedagogical, technological and communication. The experts as satisfactory assessed the course, 16 out of 22 items were evaluated and had an average above the level of agreement of 70 %, which suggested improvement of opportunities for the nurses. We conclude that this specialization course will enable the growth of professional nurses through a dynamic and collaborative learning process, providing a reflective know -how, with the use of different technological tools.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectEducação à distânciapt_BR
dc.subjectDistance educationen
dc.titleDesenho e avaliação de um curso e-learning para a formação de enfermeiros em análises clínicaspt_BR

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