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dc.contributor.advisorTinoco, João Eduardo Prudêncio
dc.contributor.authorSevero, Patrícia Schneider
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to analyze the contribution of rural credit to rural small entities located in the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul, from the use of resources and cooperative techniques in the context of sustainability. This is an applied quantitative-qualitative, exploratory, descriptive and documentary research. The sample consists of eight farmers producing peaches, soybeans, corn and rice, associated with a credit union and borrowers of funds from the National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture - PRONAF Agricultural Costs. Aiming to present the economic and financial situation of small rural enterprises, made use of the "Balance Asked" method as well as interviews to ascertain about social and environmental issues related to these topics. The main results show that after the costs of harvest, 62,50% of producers generate an increase in equity arising from the profit. Costs (expenses) of sales amount on average, to 73% of gross revenue. The Value Added Distribution is concentrated in retained earnings, followed by personal and charges. There is dependency relationship between producers and credit PRONAF, since actions are not promoted to the producer can cover your crop with its own funds, and the financing cost of credit at subsidized rates is not sufficient for the success of rural property. The needs for environmental care are aware of the producers and the main problem of the peasant is the lack of manpower and family succession. It is worth mentioning the urgency of government action and the financial institutions, especially credit unions in creating incentives for households to develop effective accounting bills and contribute to their financial independence and to develop environmental education programs and guidance in relation to family succession, factors that can generate higher quality of life in the countryside, with the effective promotion of sustainability in the rural sector.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectSustentabilidade ruralpt_BR
dc.subjectRural sustainabilityen
dc.titleSustentabilidade no setor rural a partir do uso do crédito e de técnicas cooperativas na região sul do Rio Grande do Sulpt_BR

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