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dc.contributor.advisorKronbauer, Clovis Antônio
dc.contributor.authorAssumpção, Debora Skibinski
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to analyze how corporate reorganizations known as drop down were treated in the corporate and fiscal scope. Quite common in the United States, these operations are characterized by the capital increase a company produces in another one, transferring assets, rights and/or obligations in exchange for share participation with share control. Moreover, in some aspects resembles a divestiture but without the reduction of equity capital or the termination of the divided company, which induces some national theorists call it white divestiture. The essence of drop down - and consequently the strategy used by companies that choose this corporate restructuring model - focuses on the core business, ie, focuses on the main business. The methodology adopted for the construction of this work, therefore, was built in document databases in which see covered in topics related to restructuring or reorganization through the business combination involving the drop down operations. Thus, the study could contribute to the spread of new forms of corporate restructuring and indicate to accounting professionals ways to record operations and, subsequently, assist in the disclosure of financial statements. The results revealed that, although not very known in the country, the drop-down operation has taken place as a means of corporate restructuring in Brazilian companies. Also by analyzing the results, it was concluded that, for companies investigated and/or evaluated by state agencies and the stock market, the operation was not a subject of questioning from them, given that only measured as they have been dealt accounting and fiscally in selected organizations. In the analyzes of companies which had no assessment procedures by state agencies and securities market, it was identified the focus on core business - namely, the concentration of efforts on core activities and the association of companies with similar activities. Likewise, it was observed if they attempted to the appropriate accountings provided in financial statements and accounting records of the intended operation.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectDrop downen
dc.subjectCombinação de negóciopt_BR
dc.titleReorganização societária por meio de drop down: um estudo sobre sua utilização por empresas brasileiraspt_BR

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