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dc.contributor.advisorMonteiro, Janine Kieling
dc.contributor.authorSachet, Patrícia
dc.description.abstractIn order to deepen the knowledge about the harms to mental health of the workers, this dissertation is composed of a theoretical and an empirical paper. The first of them is about the Mental Health of the Worker and the second one deals with the harms to the Workers treated in a Reference Center of Health Worker - CEREST. The theoretical study aimed to analyze how the theme of Mental Health of the Worker has been approached in scientific publications in Brazil during the last years. For this to happen, a survey was made of publications in the database BVS-PSI, delimiting the search for national articles and from 2006 to 2010. According to the results it was possible to realize that most of the studies used the method of qualitative research (21), followed by quantitative (15), with lower frequency of theoretical studies (5) and mixed (2). The results point that the relation between work conditions and illness is the most commented subject in these researches, concluding that more research is needed to contribute to the improvement and progress in working conditions, seeking a better quality of life in the workplace and the reduction of illness cases. The second study, an empirical paper, with quantitative method, performed by the documental analysis, which investigated what are the health harms related to work in the cases hosted by a regional CEREST, located in the city of Porto Alegre - RS; given emphasis to the harms of the mental health of the worker. The results showed that women (65,5 %) looked for more specialized service in the Workers Health than men (34,3 %). The average age of the served people was 42 years and the working time 8,5 years. The two occupations most seeking treatment work were: production assistant (17,5 %) and general services assistant (13, 6%) with a representation of 50,2%, LER/DORT injuries were the highest number of diagnoses in the documents studied. About the mental disorders, the depressive was the most detectable, with 35 cases (6,6 % of total). From this it is possible to conclude that the work has great influence on peoples lives and cases of illness are under-diagnosed and underreported, it is suggested that more studies may be conducted, seeking improvements in working conditions and to reduce the number of injuries to the workers mental health.en
dc.description.sponsorshipBanco Santander / Banespapt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectSaúde mentalpt_BR
dc.subjectMental healthen
dc.titleAgravos à saúde mental de trabalhadores atendidos em um CERESTpt_BR

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